Most people purchase a waterfall kit to transform a small corner of their garden into an aesthetic waterfall. Building a waterfall into your garden with the help of a waterfall kit has many benefits. Let’s have a look at four key benefits of waterfall kit.
1. Easy to install
Every pondless waterfall kit has pre-filter, all-in-one pump chamber/water storage tank, and fully back washable waterfall filter. You can easily build a waterfall in your garden with the help of one person. No special tools are required to install the waterfall system. You can easily install all the components with the help of a screwdriver. All-in-one pump chamber and water storage tank are pre-plumbed for up to two pumps and an auto water fill valve. It is easier to install because it requires a much smaller excavation than conventional pondless waterfall rock and gravel filled water storage basins, and it is compatible with both submersible and external waterfall pumps.
2. Easy to clean
You all have heard about the worrisome stories of collecting the debris by hand and the terrible smell of algae. Don’t worry; waterfall built using backyard waterfall kit is easy to clean. Majority of the cleaning is automatic. Waterfall kit includes a pre-filter so you can easily remove leaves, tree needles, blossoms, weed, tree seeds, mulch, lawn clippings, bird feathers, worms, insects, and all windblown debris. Each kit also includes back washable biological waterfall filter to process dissolved organics such as dust, pollen, phosphates, bird waste, acid rain, and other dissolved organics. These filters are easy to clean. When you combine your waterfall system with backwash system, you can clean your backyard pondless waterfall in seconds.
3. Value for money
The biggest complaint that people have with the typical low cost conventional pondless waterfall kit is algae, and it often is the reason for the increase in the cost of maintenance. In all conventional pondless waterfall kit rock and gravel act as the pre-filter. The rock and gravel trap debris that falls into the waterfall, stream, or shallow pool. But when it comes to cleaning it, you have to pick the debris out by hand whereas maintaining the modern professional waterfall system is super easy.
Pre-filter and back washable biological waterfall filters are easy to clean and maintain. Debris is simply emptied out of the filter basket. Removing debris and processing dissolved organics results in clean, freshwater. And when your waterfall is cleaned properly not only it feels good but your system last long as well. This dramatically lowers the cost of ownership compared to the low-cost gravel pit and matrix-based pondless waterfall kits.
4. Customized design
Modern pondless waterfall systems are modular. You have complete design control of where you place your pump and water storage for your backyard waterfall. If you want, it can be at the base of your pondless waterfall. The most creative place to put your pump and water storage is completely away from your pondless waterfalls, or pondless water feature.
With latest backyard pondless waterfall system, you no longer are required to have the pump and water storage at the base of your pondless waterfalls or water feature. All-in-one pump chamber water storage tank provides you with complete pondless waterfall design freedom. The chamber eliminates the requirement of having a large excavation with the pump and water storage in two separate devices contained within the liner and provides you unlimited creativity for your pondless waterfall design. So these are the key benefits of a waterfall kit. So are you ready to transform a small corner of your garden into the perfect corner of tranquility with the help of backyard waterfall kit?
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